Air Quality Assurance & Auditing
Quality assurance is critical to the scientific defensibility of any air monitoring program, from program design, through data capture and validation, to reporting of study results. Our Quality Assurance Department provides the necessary project oversight from cradle to grave to ensure quality outcomes.
Key services provided by Air Resource Specialists include:
- Performance audits of criteria pollutant, air toxics, meteorology and visibility instrumentation.
- EPA-certified PM2.5 PEP audits.
- EPA-certified NPAP (“Through the Probe”) audits.
- Systems audits, which review all practices of a monitoring program.
- Federal Reference Method (FRM) and Federal Equivalency Method (FEM) designation testing for new analyzers.
- Development of QA/QC documentation, such as Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).