- EPA Compendium Method TO-15
- Solar-powered, mobile VOC monitoring
- Triggered sampling capabilities
ARS partnered with the Denver Department of Public Health and Environment (DDPHE) to design, install and operate three field campaigns to study air toxics gradients along a residential section of Interstate 70. ARS collected air samples with a large network of SUMMA ® canisters and used a contract laboratory to analyze the samples following EPA’s Compendium Method TO-15. Each monitoring site was solar powered, used a dataloggers to collect diagnostics and trigger events, and was capable of operating two canisters on different collection frequencies. ARS also operated personal aethalometers at a number of the sites to monitor black carbon concentrations.
The study results will help DDPHE make decisions related to pending I-70 modifications, and a future study, once the modifications are complete, is anticipated.